Sunday, January 26, 2014

A big reunion

... in the reception of the hospital where my eating disorder unit is based, I had nearly an hour of cuddles with my "babies". Unintentionally (he was either trying to take a photo or a video), my dad made a gif of them on my knee. And since the easiest way to see a gif is online, it's an excuse to write a blog post.

For those of you who don't know why i haven't blogged since October, the above may explain a little. I've been in the EDU and today was the first time I was allowed to reception to see my dogs.


  1. That is such a great sight. I'm happy for you.

  2. Sending love. Keep going xx

  3. So happy to hear from you, relieved you are in treatment, but know its a frightening place to be. SO thrilled you were able to see your dogs, my pup is part of what got me into the last stage of recovering...thinking of you & thank you for posting.xo
