Sunday, October 04, 2015

Guest post: Eritrea and the refugee crisis

I am reposting a piece my brother wrote for a parade service this morning. He discusses the current refugee crisis through the prism of his experience of spending two years in Eritrea, one of the countries whose regime is leading people to risk their lives in attempt to find safety elsewhere.

"Today’s collection goes to the charity “All We Can”, which used to be the Methodist Relief and Development Fund. The work done by All We Can is focused on eradicating poverty across the world. This includes supporting refugees in different parts of the world.

There has been a lot of talk in the news recently about refugees. While Syria has been the focus of most of the recent discussion because of the current unrest there. However many of the refugees come from Afghanistan and Eritrea. All three of these countries have different issues, but the common factor is that people are leaving their homelands because they have no choice.

I am here to tell you briefly about my experiences. If you had asked me in 2004 where Eritrea was, on a good day I might have told you it was near Ethiopia, on a bad day I might have told you it was part of Ethiopia, if anything at all frankly!

Anyway, having lived there for two years, it made an impact on my life that I can’t describe. I met some amazing people, but it gave me a glimpse of the everyday difficulties that people in Eritrea endure and some understanding of why the second newest country in Africa is the second largest exporter of refugees to Europe.

Agordat market, 2008

My job as a Teacher Trainer meant that I lived in a town called Agordat and worked with teachers local teachers, providing support. Two of the teachers I worked with were Tesfeldet and Ahmed. They had young families, and lived a long way from the rest of their families. They were all in their thirties and had all been signed up to teach as part of their National Service when they left school (in reality they were the lucky ones – many were made to be soldiers). National Service in Eritrea involves doing a job that you don’t choose, in a place that is usually along way from your home town, and there is no time frame, so it goes on interminably.

Tesfeldet’s situation brought this home to me. During the summer of 2007, he and Ahmed, along with many other teachers, were picked up from their homes one day and taken to the Danakil Depression – known to be the hottest place on earth – with temperatures often over 50C. They were made to do military training, which included walking 30km a day, carrying 5 litres of water and not being allowed to drink it.

Tesfeldet ended up in hospital for 4 weeks following this experience. On his return to Agordat, he was told that he was being moved to a remote, rural school. When he told them that he refused, he was told that he would be put in prison.

Ahmed was a skilled teacher trainer, who was extremely committed to his job, however his salary per month equated to £30 a month, which is not very much by anybody’s standards. He shared with me, when he was confident that I was not a spy, that, if he was allowed, he would like to be a farmer in his hometown, which was a two day journey away.

Another teacher, Hailab, was separated from his wife and two small children, who lived in the capital, Asmara, a 5 hour bus journey away. He was the head teacher at a Methodist School in Agordat. This was an anomaly, because most religion and organised activity is frowned upon in Eritrea (there are no scouts or similar). Groups where 5 or more people meet regularly are deemed to threaten the government as they could be politicised. There are 4 recognised religions; Islam, Orthodox Christian, Catholic and Lutheran. The Methodist Schools are tolerated as part of the school system, however any evangelising results in arrest and unlimited time in prison, which is usually a shipping container near the Danakil depression. I visited the school one day to discover that only the ladies in the school were present, the 4 male teachers (and church leaders), including Hailab, had been rounded up and taken to prison.

They had been visited by 2 boys, who were looking for shelter for the night. The boys’ families had sent the boys to escape from the country before they got rounded up like all other young people about to do Year 13 at school. The young people are rounded up before Year 13 and taken to military training school, where they do extremely harsh military training and school studies. Their end of year results determine what their national service will be – doctor, lawyer, teacher, soldier. Anyone found to have harboured or known that people have escaped from the country is imprisoned.

The authoritarian regime in Eritrea has spies everywhere and they do not tolerate anyone doing or saying the wrong thing – they listen in on phone conversations, they follow people and listen in on conversations between friends walking down the street or sitting in cafes.

I can’t tell you what Ahmed, Tesfeldet and Hailab are up to now: there is only limited, censored internet in Eritrea, and they have probably been moved on more times than I care to think about. Every time I see boats arriving from the Mediterranean or I see people being interviewed by the press, or worse still I see the body bags on the beaches, I wonder whether they reached the point of it all being too much for them. I wonder how they are managing to make ends meet in a country that is becoming increasingly isolated from the world, and where the cost of living continue to sky rocket due to lack of resources.

I think about Jesus and his message about the sheep and the goats – whenever you helped one of the least of these you did it for me. I wonder "am I doing enough to help people who have nothing through no fault of their own, but because their lives in their own countries have just become intolerable?"

I ask myself "what more could I do?"

For more information about people experiencing the situation in Calais, having fled Eritrea amongst other countries, read this post by Alison Thompson who, with her son Dan, has been taking supplies over the Channel to them:

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Cake pops!

Today I made cake pops for a charity sale tomorrow. It will be raising money for Bliss, a charity that supports families of "babies born too soon, too small, too sick".

Here are some "production photos"!

Cola cake (from Marian Keyes' Saved by Cake) mixed with one or two tablespoons of the cola icing. Roll it into balls (about the size of a ping pong ball) then put into the freezer for 10 mins.

A few candy drops melted over a bain marie. Dip a pop stick in the melted candy then insert into a cake ball, laying the pops flat on a tray. Once every cake ball has a pop stick, put the tray in the fridge for the candy melts to set.

Melt more candy drops over a bain marie (I always use this method after the great microwave candy seizing disaster of 2012). Put your sprinkles in dishes to make them accessible for dipping. 

Coat each pop with a layer of melted candy and hold it over the bowl while it sets enough to no longer be dripping. Then dunk into whichever sprinkles you want.

If you don't have a cake pop stand (I bought this one the other day from Lakeland), an inverted colander works really well to hold the pops while the chocolate dries.

Since these are going for a cake sale, I put them in individual bags 

I hope they raise some money for Bliss and help them in their important work with poorly babies.

Friday, January 09, 2015

Reading so far in 2015

This is a half-baked blog post. I should/would like to write reviews for these books but, if I decide to do that, I know the post will never be finished. And, just as the reason for recording my reading in 2015 so far is to encourage me to read more than I did in 2014, I would like to post on this blog more in 2015. My modus operandi for 2014 seemed to be: have an idea for a blog post > take photos/make plans, etc. > never get around to putting it online. I need to scale down the ambition of my plans and do things imperfectly if I want to do them at all.

Nicola Upson, An Expert in Murder

Julia Spencer-Fleming, In the Bleak Midwinter

Justin Cartwright, Lion Heart

Alexander McCall Smith, The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon

Cara Trautman, Happy(ish)

Marie Astor, This Tangled Thing Called Love

I'd recommend them all, for very different reasons. The first two are murder mysteries, using Josephine Tey and a female priest (respectively) as protagonists. Lion Heart, leant to me by my aunt, is one man's quest to understand his father through researching Richard the Lionheart. I don't need to gloss Mma Ramotswe (and yes, she probably is my favourite read of the year so far). The last two are US chick lit. I particularly enjoyed the humour of Happy(ish) and, while it certainly conforms to the structural expectations of a modern, funny romance narrative and there's a slight inevitability to the ending, it held lots of quirky side stories and surprises along the way, perhaps thanks to the three-dimensional drawing of the lovely cast of characters. I haven't yet looked to see if Cara Trautman has written more: I hope so!

Last night, I read the last book immediately after finishing Happy(ish) and it was enjoyably satisfying. I then started An Innocent Client by Scott Pratt, returning me to the crime genre. I think it's going to be a bit grittier than Mma Ramotswe!

Monday, December 08, 2014

Sketch Saturday #339

I've always liked making cards but haven't ever thought about how to improve my technique, staying with the glue-and-glitter method that I've loved since I was 4 or 5.

A friend has inspired me to look at new methods and styles so, when making my Christmas cards, I decided to use the current Sketch Saturday template for one of my designs.

The stamp is one of the Winter Stanley collection from DigiStamps Boutique.

I've always previously been all about gold and red at Christmas but colouring in the image with Spectrum Noir pastel shades led me to choose the silver colour palette for the backing shapes.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

It still amuses me...

So I was asked for a link to the blog, which made me come onto the site to check that I hadn't left any metaphorical underwear on display before sharing the address. I then decided to check out the stats and, once again, had a little chortle about my google search referrals.

I suppose it's quite reassuring (?) that people are searching for this blog and ending up here. I hope the pointe shoe and campfire cake people find what they are looking for. This month's stats are all about plum jam. So all my jam making last August has not been in vain, even if most of the jam is still in the Welsh dresser.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Blog post for beat

I've been researching severe, enduring anorexia nervosa recently and contributed this to the beat website. It was published today.

PS I know it's been a long time since my last post. I will try to write more soon...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A big reunion

... in the reception of the hospital where my eating disorder unit is based, I had nearly an hour of cuddles with my "babies". Unintentionally (he was either trying to take a photo or a video), my dad made a gif of them on my knee. And since the easiest way to see a gif is online, it's an excuse to write a blog post.

For those of you who don't know why i haven't blogged since October, the above may explain a little. I've been in the EDU and today was the first time I was allowed to reception to see my dogs.